Previous Events
Check our list of previous events...
Friday 8th March 2024
We can now confirm that bookings are open for our IWD event. From experience, these places do go extremely quickly, so please reserve your place as soon as you can! Let's hope the weather is on our side this year!
- The cost of the lunchis £33, this includes a 3 course meal with a glass of wine, and a £5 donation to our charity, which will thisyear bethe Sir Gareth Edwards Cancer Charity - for more details about the charity here is a link to the website:
- The venue will be The Classroom restaurant at Cardiff and Vale College onDumballs Road.
- Timings for the lunch will be approximately 12.30-2.45pm, we will confirm this nearer the time.
- Our speakeris Sharon James-Evans, who is the newly appointed Principal of Cardiff and Vale College.
- As this year the event falls on a Friday, Bethan is hoping some of you will join us in continuing the afternoon in town for a drink or two.
We will also be holding a raffle and any donations of prizes will be warmly received.
Tickets can be booked singly or we can offer tables of 9.If you would like to join us please book via Caroline
Wednesday 18th October 2023
We are pleased to announce that bookings are now open for Superwoman 2023 which will take place on Wednesday 18th October.
As usual we have a brilliant set of speakers for you, and we look forward to welcoming you to what is sure to be an inspiring and enjoyable evening.
Please note that our timings will be slightly different this year due to the fact our venue, Tramshed Tech, does not become available until 6pm.
Please download our flyer (English).
We have 120 places to sell, so please book quickly, either by using the booking form on the flyer, or replying to Caroline at
Wednesday 8th March 2023
This year we will be returning to The Classroom at Cardiff and Vale College, where we have held many successful and enjoyable events in the past.
We will be offering a 3-course lunch with a glass of wine and a £5 donation to our charity, which will this year be Diabetes UK/Cymru.
Timings for the lunch will be approximately 12.30-2.45pm.
Our speaker is Bethan Baldwin who is a highly motivated coach and trainer focused on encouraging people to take control and achieve their potential who works as a project manager for Chwarae Teg. A Pride of Britain award winner for 2015 (Fundraising in Wales) and campaigner for Type 1 Diabetes awareness in children with Diabetes UK/Cymru, Bethan will talk about the reason she campaigns and about appreciating life and making it count.
We will also be holding a raffle and any donations of prizes will be warmly received.
Tickets can be booked singly or we can offer tables of 9. If you would like to join us please book via Caroline at
Superwoman 2022 (She's Back!)
We are delighted that Superwoman will return this year, on Thursday 20th October.
As usual we have a brilliant set of speakers for you, and we look forward to welcoming you to what is sure to be an inspiring and enjoyable evening. After two years away we know you will be looking forward to the event as much as we are!
Please find attached flyers below, in English and Welsh.
Flyer (English)
Flyer (Cymraeg)
We have 100 places to sell which is slightly less than previous years given our venue, so please book quickly, either by using the booking form, or replying to
International Women’s Day – 8th March 2022
We are delighted to be holding our first in person event since the pandemic. It is a lunch on Tuesday 8 March 2022 for International Women’s Day 2022 and we do hope you will be able to join us.
It is a three course lunch at the Classroom restaurant at Cardiff and Vale College, Dumballs Road, where we had our last in person event pre pandemic. The theme of International Women’s Day 2022 is Break the Bias and we are honoured that journalist, broadcaster and freelance writer Carolyn Hitt has agreed to give us a short talk about Monumental Welsh Women, of which she is a founding member.
The mission of Monumental Welsh Women was inspired by the fact there was not one single public statue commemorating the achievements of real Welsh Women. The organisation set out to change that – to break the bias - by delivering 5 statues – 5 women – in 5 years. The iconic Betty Campbell Monument which many of you will have seen has now been successfully delivered. There are four more Welsh women to commemorate and four more statues to come.
Why statues?
In her book, Invisible Women, Caroline Criado Perez said, ‘I wasn’t being shown women I could look up to …I wasn’t being taught about female politicians, female activists, female writers, artists, lawyers, CEOs. All the people I was taught to admire were men, and so in my head power, influence and ambition equated with maleness.’
The cost of the three course lunch is £30 of which £5 is a donation for the next statue for Lady Rhondda. We will also be holding a raffle and any donations of prizes will be warmly received. Tickets can be booked singly or we can offer tables of eight or ten.
If you would like to join us please book via Caroline on
The 2019 IWD pre-pandemic event at the Classroom was a sell out, so please book quickly. We so look forward to seeing you in person again.
Sold out
International Women's Day event - 8th March 2021
Lockdown is tough!
Between home schooling, working from home, every meal eaten at home, gyms closed, hairdressers closed and no nights out with friends or networking events to share experiences, we’re all in need of getting together and shining up our super.
We can’t get together in person this International Women’s Day like we did last year when 65 of us gathered for lunch at the Classroom but we can still celebrate this important day together on Zoom. Most of us are finding it a struggle to carve out time for ourselves at the moment, so on this International Women’s Day we’re inviting you to take time to breathe and join one or more of four different fabulous sessions we have lined up for you that focus on wellbeing, fitness and self-care. This International Women’s Day with Superwoman is about making time for you.
The sessions on Monday 8th March 2021 are:
Laura Prosser and Cara Lovett previously owned and ran Atlantic Way CrossFit and decided during the first lockdown to move their business online to HomeTrain, providing a huge range of fitness sessions ideally suited to busy mums who want to keep fit but have to juggle it around children and work. Their MoveAlong programme helps women return to fitness and training and Laura Prosser is running a MoveAlong session especially for us. All fitness levels will be able to take part – the aim is just to remind us all how good exercise endorphins feel and how they contribute such a lot to our well being - so join us bright and early for this session which will be finished in time to start work or home schooling.
Andrea is founder of InspireMe and a Voice and Confidence coach. As an autoimmune disease negotiator with 2 thriving businesses, 2 children and a second chance saloon relationship, Andrea’s learnt the hard way that Self Care is a game changer when it comes to personal and professional success.
In her Superwoman International Women’s day virtual keynote, she’s going to bust some myths, open some eyes and hopefully show you how to get on the self-care train too. And by the way - it’s not all bubble baths and spas! Self-care for real women who are busy and on it…….is a totally different concept!
2.30pm – HEALTH AND HER award winning menopause experts.
Doctors Vicky Hobbs and Heidi Kerr, will discuss during this session managing menopause symptoms with a busy life and career. There will be a question and answer session to follow. An invaluable session for anyone who has questions about menopause – whether you are approaching menopause age yourself or have colleagues, friends or family members who are.
Karen McGrath, yoga teacher is running a Yin yoga session specially for us. Yin yoga is a style that targets joints and connective tissue and sees us holding poses longer than the traditional active moving poses where we tend to engage more muscles – known as a yang practice. Thus, to every yang there is a yin: the nature of balance.
It is considered to be relaxing and soothing, in that a comfortable pose is held for an extended period of time while the breath is used to help still and calm mind and body. This period of non-activity can help to release stress and create a zen like quality similar to meditation, hence the perception of rest and relaxation.
The challenge is to be able to find such stillness in minds and bodies that are often busy, busy, busy!! Avoiding the desire to fidget and keeping the mind from distraction can be much harder than anticipated.
But the rewards are many...offering the opportunity to enjoy a rejuvenating and grounding practice that has tremendous benefits for body, mind and soul. A chance to nourish your inner self with a slow paced and passive practice, that’s either seated or lying. No need to push yourself or force into fancy positions, instead the emphasis is on finding a natural release within the body. No fancy kit is required and yes, it’s possible to do Yin in your PJs and on a towel if you don’t have a yoga mat.
If anyone is interested but has queries as to their ability to safely join in, please contact Karen on 07950 569880 or email
All four sessions will be accessed via zoom and we will provide codes for each event.
The events themselves are FREE TO JOIN but we invite everyone who attends to mark this International Women’s Day by making a donation to Noah's Ark's Breathe Easy Appeal, a nurse led non invasive treatment for children with breathing difficulties, which we feel fits well with the theme of our sessions. Feel good and do good on IWD2021.
If you are interested in attending then please contact Caroline at and we will put your name down, and send out some more information nearer the time.
International Women's Day event - 4th March 2020
On Wednesday 4th March we will be holding a lunch event for International Women's Day at the Classroom Restaurant, Cardiff & Vale College from 12.30pm. There will be a set-menu 3 course lunch with a glass of wine for £25 which includes a £5 donation to charity. We can offer single tickets or tables of 8 or 10.
Helen Jenkins, a long-time supporter of Superwoman, will be our speaker for the event. Helen is a financial advisor, owner of Inspiration Wealth Management and UK President of the Circumnavigators Club.
Sold out
Superwoman 2019 - Change of Venue
Please note that the event on 10th October will now be held at Coleg y Cymoedd in Nantgarw.
Superwoman 2019 - 10th October
We are pleased to attach details for Superwoman 2019 which is being held this year on Thursday 10th October at Coleg y Cymoedd in Nantgarw.
As well as another great line up of speakers this year, we offer you the opportunity to network over wine and nibbles, and raise money for our charity for this year, Tenovus Cancer Care.
Please click below for the flyer.
International Women's Day Wine Tasting Event - 7th March 2019.
To celebrate International Women's Day this year, we've arrange a fabulous wine tasting dinner which will also support homelessness charity Llamau.
Superwoman 2018 - 18th October
We are pleased to attach details for Superwoman 2018 which was held this year on Thursday 18th October at Ocean Park House in East Tyndall Street.
As well as another great line up of speakers this year, we offered you the opportunity to network over wine and nibbles, and raise money for our charity for this year, Bobath Wales.
Please click below for the flyer.
International Women's Day wine tasting event - 8th March 2018
For more details please contact Caroline at
Limited tickets available.
Superwoman 13
Superwoman 13 is being held this year on 19th October at a new venue, Yr Hen Lyfrgell, in the centre of Cardiff.
As well as another great line up of speakers this year, we offer you the opportunity to network over wine and nibbles, and raise money for our amazing charity, 2 Wish upon a Star.
We look forward to receiving your bookings as this promises to be another great event! Please click below for the flyer and booking form, available in both English and Welsh. Bookings can be made using the form or you can email me to book your place, which will be confirmed when payment is received.
Sold out
Superwoman 12
Superwoman 12 is on 20 October 2016 from 5pm to 8.30pm at Cardiff School of Management, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Western Avenue, Cardiff, CF5 2YB.
Speakers are: Liz Maher - South & Mid Wales Chambers of Commerce, Denise Lovering - Glenside Commercials & Caerphilly Business Forum, Gareth Jones, Lynda Campbell - Culture Angel and Beth Fisher - LGB&T Sport Cymru & Swansea Spartans. Cost is £35 with proceeds going to David Nott Foundation and Cancer Research Wales.
Click here to download details of the event and how to book.
Superwoman Suppers 2016
We are delighted to release the dates for our next series of Superwoman suppers. The highly popular suppers work like this:
Each supper is attended by between 10 to 15 women. As far as possible we try to arrange the attendees so that you network with a wide range of people from organisations different to yours. We eat lovely food cooked fresh by the team at E J Catering in good company. Over dessert we discuss the business questions that attendees submit and which we circulate in advance of the supper, together with short biographies of everyone attending. At the end we do a little collection for charity, often Oxfam's School Supplies or Giving Girls a Head Start. Bethan will also try to sell you Superwoman tea towels! So that’s food, wine, conversation, sharing business tips and advice and doing a little good all rolled into one super evening.
The cost for a three course supper is £35. At the KIN + ILK venue, wine may be bought from the venue at additional cost. At the other venues a glass of wine is included in the price. 7pm for 7.30pm. Normally done by 10pm unless there is a Superwoman in our midst who is not driving and suggests another bottle of wine. We really like party Superwomen.
The dates and venues for this year’s suppers are below.
- Thursday 17th March – KIN + ILK coffee shop, Capital Quarter, Tyndall Street, Cardiff,
- Thursday 14th April – KIN + ILK coffee shop, Capital Quarter, Tyndall Street, Cardiff,
- Thursday 12th May – Home of our chef, Emma Jenkins, Llandaff
- Thursday 9th June – this one will be a bit different. Two sisters who have lovely gardens in Barry (Port Road West) and usually open them for the National Garden Scheme have offered to open their gardens to Superwoman; they are just a minute walk apart. This would be an afternoon visit to the garden and a cup of tea and slice of home made cake for up to 40, followed by a supper for 15 people for those who book first. The cost for this is £15 for just tea, or £45 for tea and supper.
If you would like to attend please reply to Caroline at as soon as possible, letting us know your preferred date. Ideally state a second and third choice too as the suppers book quickly and places are limited. We will then send you details of how to make payment and your place will be confirmed once the payment is received.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Superwoman 11
Superwoman 11 is on 22 October 2015 from 5pm to 8.30pm at Cardiff School of Management, Cardiff Metropolitan University, Western Avenue, Cardiff, CF5 2YB.
Speakers are: Dr Manon Antoniazzi - Welsh Government, Caroline Jones - Knickers Model's Own, Emma Watkins - CBI Wales and Victoria Wade - Victoria Wade Landscapes. Cost is £35 with proceeds going to Velindre and Cancer Research UK.
Click here to download details of the event and how to book.
Village Hall Disco - Friday 19th June
Good old fashioned evening out at Llandaff Rugby Club on Friday 19 June for Velindre Cancer Centre.
Come and join us for a fantastic evening of entertainment to help reach the fund raising targets of our super welsh women walking to Patagonia in November for Velindre Cancer Centre
- In a rugby Question and Answer session, Gareth Davies, chairman of the WRU, will be interviewed by award winning broadcaster and journalist Carolyn Hitt
- Bingo
- Raffle
- Live music
- Disco
- Buffet
£15 per ticket.
Children welcome but not suitable for very young children. £5 per child ticket.
7pm till last orders at 11pm
Bring your family and friends. Invite your clients.
If you would like to join us or can support us with a raffle or bingo prize please email Caroline Hazell on
Limited number of places – book soon!
Sponsored by
Thompson Darwin Law
SCS Aftercare
Superwoman Kitchen Suppers 2015
Smaller, more intimate networking events, involving between 10 and 15 women, and a lot of fun. Suppers cost £35 a head for a three course meal and a glass of wine. A great opportunity to network with a smaller number of women over delicious food. The dates for the suppers are:
- Thursday 12th March
- Thursday 23rd April
- Thursday 14th May – please see further details below
Please email us on if you are interested in attending. The suppers sell out quickly so email us soon!
“Make Yourself Board Room Ready” event – 14th May 2015
We are delighted to be able to provide further details of our Make Yourself Boardroom Ready event and supper on 14 May.
Our speakers are:
- Bethan Cousins, Deputy Fund Manager, Finance Wales
- Joy Kent, CEO, Chwarae Teg,
- Jackie Royall, CEO of Viscose Closures Limited and previously turn around specialist
- Bethan Darwin, Commercial Conclusion
This session is going to involve a lot of information and a lot of debate about the skills and experience a director needs, how you can build them up, what it's like being a director in practice and the legal issues involved.
The event is being kindly hosted by Finance Wales in their brand new offices at No 1 Capital Quarter – glorious views over Cardiff.
The event is from 2.30pm to 5pm with a tea break, followed by drinks and networking and an E J Catering three course supper with wine.
Price is £45
This event has limited spaces and a number of Superwomen have already registered their interest so please email us soon to book your place.
Superwoman 10
Superwoman 10 is on 23 October 2014 from 4.30pm to 8.30pm at Cardiff Business School, Colum Drive, Cardiff.
Speakers are: Olympic Cyclist Nicole Cooke MBE, Eluned Morgan, Baroness Morgan of Ely, Elan Closs Stevens and Anna Ryder-Richardson of Anna's Welsh Zoo. Cost is £35 with proceeds going to Valleys Kids and Tenovus.
Click here to download details of the event and how to book.
Superwoman Kitchen Suppers 2014.
Smaller, more intimate networking events, involving between 10 and 15 women, and a lot of fun. Suppers cost £35 a head for a three course meal and a glass of wine. A great opportunity to network with a smaller number of women over delicious food. The dates for the suppers are:
- Thursday 13th February 2014
- Thursday 20th March 2014
- Thursday 30th April 2014
- Thursday 19th June 2014
Please email us on or if you are interested in attending. The suppers sell out quickly so email us soon!
* Superwoman 9
Superwoman 9 is on 10 October 2013 from 4.30pm to 8.30pm at the £40m state of the art Nantgarw campus of Coleg y Cymoedd. Speakers are: Sian Gunney Peacock Media Group, Dilys Price Touch Trust UK and Kirsty Manning of Cnwd.
Click here to download details of the event and how to book.
Superwoman 8
Superwoman 8 is on Thursday 11 October 2012. We’ve got stories of business success and of personal success; tea and cake on registration; wine and canapés afterwards; a little bit of early Christmas present shopping; a goody bag to take home and every penny of the £35 cost going to two great causes, thanks to the generosity of our sponsors. Click here for full details and a booking form. Book quickly as places sell out fast.

Superwoman Suppers 2012 - Sold Out
We will be running a series of Superwoman Suppers between February and June 2012. Smaller, more intimate networking events, involving between 12 and 14 women, and a lot of fun. Suppers cost around £35 a head for a three course meal and a glass of fizz to start. A great opportunity to network with a smaller number of women over delicious food. The suppers sold out very quickly last year. The dates for the suppers will be:
Thursday 2nd Feb
Thursday 8th March
Thursday 5th April
Thursday 3rd May
Thursday 21st June
so please contact Caroline at if you are interested in attending or would like to be added to the database to receive further details nearer the time.
Superwoman Training Day
22nd March 2012 - Bluestone Resort
“Aspiration and Perspiration - a proactive approach to career planning”
The training day is organised in conjunction with Odgers Berndston, the UK’s leading executive search firm, and involves four presentations and workshop sessions on the following topics:
- Managing and developing your career to make sure you get where you want to be;
- Personal profile - how to develop and promote your own personal brand and manage your profile;
- Understanding accounts - how to really read profit and loss statements and balance sheets and all the other bits they didn’t teach you at college;
- Business in Wales - how it works, who works in it, why it doesn’t work as well as it might, public vs private sector and the role of entrepreneurship
Download flyer for further details.

Superwoman's Magnificent Seventh - Radisson Blu - 13 October 2011
Superwoman's Magnificent Seventh took place at the Radisson Blu in Cardiff on 13 October 2011 and was attended by over 180 women. Sponsored by Effective Communication, PDS Professional Driver Services and Bluestone, the speakers were Elizabeth Haywood of Haywood Hain, Katy Chamberlain of Chwarae Teg, Rachel Jones of Arts & Business Cymru and Rhian Connick of the WI. The event raised £6,000 for Valleys Kids and MS Society and was informative, entertaining and uplifting. And there was wine afterwards!

Final Year Art Show at Coleg Morgannwg with Style Swap and Fashion Advice from Wenda James-Rowe 22 June 2011
A hugely popular event last year, this event will enable you to view the varied and inspiring final year art show at Coleg Morgannwg Nantgarw and then refresh and renew your wardrobe over wine and canapes. Just bring along a freshly laundered and unwanted item of clothing that you're willing to swap. Personal stylist Wenda James-Rowe will also be sharing some of her fashion advice and tips. Price to be confirmed, in the region of £20. In aid of Valleys Kids. Email to reserve a place.
Superwoman Suppers 2011
We are running a series of Superwoman suppers from February through to June 2011. They are smaller, more intimate networking events, involving between 12 and 14 women, and a lot of fun. Suppers cost around £35 a head for a three course meal and a glass of fizz to start. A great opportunity to network with a smaller number of women over delicious food. The suppers are sold out but we do get cancellations every now and then so if you are interested in being added to the waiting list please let us know.
Garden Party Afternoon Tea Holm House 19 May 2011
A gorgeous afternoon tea and glass of champagne in the sunshine at Holm House Penarth, a beautiful boutique hotel. This event raised money for the Marie Curie Hospice, Penarth and a smile on the faces of the Superwomen.
Superwoman 6 in the City
This was our most popular Superwoman event to date and sold out within ten days of being advertised. It took place at the Park Plaza Cardiff on 14 October 2010. Read more here, view the invitation here and view photos from the event here.

Final year art show at Coleg Morgannwg 23 June 2010
An inspiring evening viewing the creative talent of Coleg Morgannwg's final year art students and learning about style from Wenda James-Rowe, capped off with some networking over canapés and wine.
Holm House Lunch 5 May 2010
With the lunch at the Crown at Celtic Manor having sold out so quickly, what else could Superwoman do but organise another lunch the following week? Read more here.

Crown at Celtic Manor Lunch 29 April 2010
Our lunch at the three AA rosette Crown at Celtic Manor on Thursday 29 April 2010 sold out within three hours of being advertised. Read more here.

Superwoman 5 - 15/10/09
Superwoman 5 on 15 October 2009 was all about ordinary women doing extraordinary things. Read more here, view the invitation here and view images from the event here.

Networking Lunch - 29/04/09
48 women gathered at the five star Holm House Hotel in Penarth to eat a delicious lunch and to raise money for African Solutions and the Marie Curie Hospice, Penarth. See photos from the event and read more.
Superwoman 4 - 16/10/08
Over 160 women attended Superwoman 4 which took place on 16 October 2008 in the Copthorne Hotel Culverhouse Cross. Read more here, and view images from the event here & download the invitation here
Superwoman 3 17/10/07
Superwoman 3 took place at The Park House Club and raised money for Valleys Kids and Barnardo's Cymru. For an insight download the invitation, and view images from the event here.
Superwoman 2 18/10/06
Superwoman 2 took place at The Park House Club and raised money for Valleys Kids and Bobath Wales. For an insight download the invitation, and view images from the event here.Superwoman's Blog
For all the latest Superwoman views and opinions check out our blog
Superwoman Strikes
So far, Superwoman is proud to have helped the following charities:
- African Solutions
- Barnardo's
- Bobath Cymru
- Breast Cancer Care
- Cancer Research UK
- Kitezh Children's Community
- Marie Curie Hospice Penarth
- Mothers of Africa
- MS Society
- Nema Foundation
- Noahs Ark
- Oxfam
- Save the Children
- Smile Train
- Target Ovarian Cancer
- Tenovus
- The Joshua Foundation
- Touch Trust
- Trust for Sick Kids
- Ty Hafan Children's Hospice
- Valleys Kids
- Velindre