Welcome To Superwoman

Once upon a time Bethan Darwin went out with some of her girl friends, they all drank a little too much wine and talked a lot. They talked about issues that were affecting their respective businesses and by combining their professional skills came up with suggestions for resolving those issues. They asked each other for recommendations for a mortgage broker, an accountant, a caterer and a curtain maker and those recommendations were good and were followed. They laughed a lot...
“What about setting up a business women's networking evening, one that would be fun and
informative, like the evening we've just had?” said one of the friends.
“Great idea,” said another. “We could find some sponsors for it and raise some money for charity while we're at it.”
“Let's call it Superwoman!” Bethan said, “because all women need to be Superwoman nowadays,
juggling work, family commitments and a social life. We can have a great big get together and share our stories of how we manage to do it all and still just about manage to find time to iron our capes.”
And in the morning Bethan found that not only did she have a hangover but that she had also agreed to organise Superwoman.
The first Superwoman conference took place in October 2005. Superwoman information goes out to a database of over 800 women and in addition to the main October conference each year, Superwoman runs smaller networking events. All of the events raise money for a variety of charities. So far, thanks to the generosity of our sponsors and to our super women, Superwoman has raised nearly £100,000.
Superwoman's Blog
For all the latest Superwoman views and opinions check out our blog
Superwoman Strikes
So far, Superwoman is proud to have helped the following charities:
- 2 Wish Upon a Star
- African Solutions
- Barnardo's
- Bobath Cymru
- Breast Cancer Care
- Cancer Research UK
- Cancer Research Wales
- Kitezh Children's Community
- Marie Curie Hospice Penarth
- Mothers of Africa
- MS Society
- Nema Foundation
- Noahs Ark
- Oxfam
- Save the Children
- Smile Train
- Target Ovarian Cancer
- Tenovus
- The David Nott Foundation
- The Joshua Foundation
- Touch Trust
- Trust for Sick Kids
- Ty Hafan Children's Hospice
- Valleys Kids
- Velindre